Free Mom Hugs

Free Mom Hugs

Free Mom Hugs is a beautiful organization started by one amazing Mama with the goal of supporting her son.  From that initial mission she has created a movement that has expanded across the nation and is helping bring love, peace and support to many people.


Sara Cunningham began her journey of becoming an advocate of the LGBTQIA+ community through her relationship with her gay son. She founded Free Mom Hugs in 2014 and since that time many parents and allies across the country joined the movement to accept, love and support the LGBTQIA community.  Free Mom Hugs became an established 501(c)(3) non profit organization in 2018 to fight for human rights for all.

Click below to support their efforts.  Oh- and if you’re a hugger be sure to order one of their awesome shirts to wear with PRIDE and help spread the love.  

Here’s one more inspiring video 🙂

Be kind . be grace . support each other



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